Billing & Insurance

Patients with an Active BC Medical Services Plan (MSP)

MSP is the provincial insurance program that pays for required medical services. It covers seeing the physician and any test that need to be ordered by a doctor.

Patients with no BC Medical Services plan

Dependent on how many tests will be requested and the initial visit with our specialist fees can range from $250-$1000 or more. We will best notify the patient of the cost before booking them.

What is not covered / Uninsured Medical Services

Not all medical services are insured by BC MSP.

Uninsured services include sick notes, insurance forms, government forms, employment physicals, travel health, etc. Forms take time to file and thus reduce the doctor’s ability to provide care to other patients.

Rates for Uninsured Medical Services:

Sick Note: $20
Modified Work Duty (Form): $100
Return to Work: $100
Travel Forms: $20
Initial Disability Tax Credit Form: $50
Follow-up Disability Tax Credit Form: $20
Transfer of Chart: $35 + (depending on how many pages)