Participate in Research

As a patient, you may wish to participate in research studies about topics that affect you. This might involve completing a survey or interview, participating in a focus group, providing samples like blood or sputum, helping test a medical device or try out a new program, being part of a clinical trial for a new drug, or participating in tests to learn how substances in air or food affect the human body. Patient partners play an active role in research by collaborating with a research team to help makes sure the research focuses on what matters to patients.

Volunteer in a research study

Lung Health Research Studies 

Learn about ongoing lung health research studies and clinical trials based at the Centre for Lung Health. 

The CLH Clinical Trials 

You can participate in clinical trials through the Centre for Lung Health Clinic. Please leave a message at 604-875-4111 ext. 62500. 

Air Pollution Research 

If you are interested in participating in air pollution research, please click the button below for more information.  

COVID-19 Biobank 

If you would like to contribute to the BC COVID-19 Biobank, please click the button below for more information. 

Lung Health Research Studies  

Register for a free account at REACH BC to get notified about research studies that interest you. Enter 2250 in the Registration Code box.  

Become a patient partner in research

Legacy for Airway Health  

Join the Legacy for Airway Health Community Stakeholder Committee for asthma and COPD.  

BC Support Unit 

Learn more about getting involved and being a patient partner in research from the BC SUPPORT Unit. 

Road Map

Use BC Support Unit’s interactive online road map to see different ways that patient partners can be involved in research.  

Reach BC

Register for a free account and enter 2250 in the Registration Code box. Select ‘Be a patient partner’ to indicate the types of research opportunities you are interested in.