Smoking & Vaping

Affiliation:Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine, UBC Medical Lead, SPH Smoking Cessation ClinicAbout:Dr. Khara is a UK trained physician, who joined Vancouver Coastal Health in 2003 having previously worked as an Addiction Medicine Consultant at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto. Certified in 2006...

Affiliation:Interventional Respirologist Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine, UBC Clinician Scientist, Department of Integrative Oncology, BC Cancer Research Institute Principle Investigator, Breathomics Lab Medical lead, BC Cancer Provincial Smoking Cessation Program Medical Director, Bronchoscopy, VGHAbout:Dr. Myers is an interventional respirologist at Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) and BC Cancer. She is the medical...

Asthma and COPD Education Coordinator, Vancouver Coastal HealthAbout:Sonia Bola is a respiratory therapist, certified respiratory educator, and certified tobacco educator. Sonia graduated in 2015 from TRU as a respiratory therapist. She began working in acute care at the University Hospital of Northern BC. She later...